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Aussie Play Blog / Aussie Explores / Roulette / Secrets of Roulette Cheats Explained

Secrets of Roulette Cheats Explained

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Roulette Table Game in Casino

Is there a proven method that can help you beat roulette? In this essential guide, we’re going to explore the effectiveness of some popular techniques for online and land-based games.

As you may know, I’m Aussie, and I arrived on Earth from my home planet, where there was an abundance of casinos you wouldn’t even expect to find in the very best sci-fi movies of today. So, with my space gang — Zuzu and Space Cat — I played the most advanced games in underwater or flying casinos! And as my gang was landing on Earth to teach your race about highly-evolved casino games, I couldn’t help but wonder about the planet itself. Its rotation speed and movement reminded me so much of roulette and the beautiful, classy wheels that were once available on my planet!

However, roulette was forbidden over there; because someone managed to find a way to beat it, essentially rendering it meaningless. And so, you can imagine my excitement when I saw that roulette was indeed available on Earth! I tried all kinds of games in Australia and wanted to learn how to beat them.

So, just take a look at what I found out about roulette cheats… Read on to find out more!

Roulette Cheating Explained

Did you know that one of Earth’s brightest minds, Albert Einstein, invested a lot of time into studying how to win at roulette? In the end, Einstein gave up, saying that the only way to do that is by stealing chips from the croupier when they aren’t paying attention! But is that true?

Firstly, roulette is not strictly based on complex strategies. It does not require flashy skills or thorough knowledge. Essentially, there are only two things players need to focus on. One is to know how to make the best bets; while the other involves properly controlling your bankroll. Plus, the roulette edge rolls between 1.34%, 2.70% and 5.26%, depending on the game variant. This percentage cannot be modified with advantage-play. Another thing to note is that the general consensus states that there’s no correlation between roulette spins and the results.

Ultimately, we’re dealing with a chance-based game that involves real physics (live wheels) or random number generators (online roulette) that the outcome ultimately depends on.

Yet, over the years, many players and experts have found ways to exploit the weaknesses of both live wheels and online roulette. In fact, if you look into some of the methods, you’ll be flabbergasted by how simple it is to cheat and overcome the edge!

Popular Roulette Cheats and Devices

Have a gander at this roulette cheat sheet to see a list of the main techniques used in the game:

  1. Past Posting
  2. Pinching
  3. Magnetic Balls
  4. Wheel Rigging
  5. Roulette Computers

Before we continue, it’s time for an important disclaimer. Namely, using cheats and hacks may not always be legal. Some of the tricks that tamper with wheels are definitely illegal and could get you into a great deal of trouble. So that’s why this article is in no way meant to encourage you to cheat, but rather to give you an overview of how some players have managed to do it. Then, after we’ve explored the main ways of cheating and their effectiveness, we’ll also tell you a little bit about gambling laws and what can happen if you end up getting busted!

  1. Past Posting: Betting Cheat Technique

This method involves some skillful deception in live wheels. Players have been using the same trick for centuries, and it’s the simplest method. Basically, past posting requires the player to wait until the ball stops. In a lightning-fast move, the player is meant to place their chips on the number that won, without being detected.

Past Posting: Betting Cheat Technique

Can It Work?

It’s tricky to master, because the croupiers are extremely careful and can easily catch those who are sloppy. The hack has to happen in a split second! Because, needless to say: if the player gets the timing wrong, the casino staff will notice it. Nowadays, it’s even more difficult to pull it off, given there are multiple security cameras too.

  1. Pinching Technique: Betting Cheat Technique

Pinching Technique: Betting Cheat Technique

Much like past posting, this particular skill is one requiring considerable sleight of hand. You could even say it’s the reverse of the previous trick we just mentioned! I.e., when the wheel stops, players must remove their chips quickly if their bet is unsuccessful. Effectively, you’re just trying to pinch the casino chips off the table without being seen!

Is It Successful?

Well, you’d need to have some seriously stealthy ninja skills to execute it! But one player named Richard Marcus was once able to master the technique. He formed a team of players, and they reportedly made quite a lot of money. The trick was to wager with $5k chips, and they’d make sure to lose every time. The group would swap out those chips for ones with the lowest value. If the wager with the $5k chip won, then they’d get a big payout.

Unfortunately, Marcus’ glory days did not last too long; as he was eventually exposed in Las Vegas, and then banned from every single casino resort in Nevada. Ironically, he later became a sort of cheating detective for casinos, offering his services to anyone who wanted to detect and catch any suspicious players.

  1. Magnetic Balls

Next up are magnetic balls, which are among the most controversial and least detectable methods; especially when they’re being used by casinos to exploit the players!

While this may sound like a conspiracy theory, the premise here revolves around a magnet built inside the ball, which helps the casino to manipulate the result. The ball can be fitted with a magnetic core inside, which can then be guided by the casino personnel, so that it falls into a specific pocket or wheel section.

Magnetic Balls in Roulette Wheel

How Do Magnetic Balls Work?

While there’s no way to tell for sure if casinos ever use them, there’s almost no chance that any licensed and respected establishments would, shall we say, have the balls to do it! After all, those venues are strictly regulated. They risk losing more than they can gain by using such shady methods. However, it’s possible that unlicensed and off-the-radar casinos could use the cheating method in question.

And when it comes to players who tried this method, a real-life example from 2003 springs to mind! Now this is exciting: some players created a magnetic ball that they were able to control with a remote in the shape of a concealed wristwatch. The watch generated a magnetic field and directed the ball’s movement. The group was able to successfully use their invention in a casino in Austria; indeed, they even managed to win around $250,000 over the course of several weeks! However, after some time, the casino staff figured it out. However, it was too late as the perps managed to escape before getting caught… The discovery was a sort of revelation in the casino world, as many have now created magnetic detectors to render this cheating method meaningless.

  1. Wheel Rigging Techniques

Sometimes known as gaffing, the method essentially physically tampers with the roulette mechanics, in order to create a wheel bias.

Wheel Rigging Techniques

This can be done in a multitude of ways that affect ball travel. Here are some wheel rigging methods:

  • Deadening the pockets
  • Adjusting wheel tilt
  • Loosening pocket frets
  • Changing the pocket size
  • Using deformed balls
  • Causing small effects on the ball track
  • Using uneven rotation that affects the deceleration speed

Some of those methods can be used in combination. Overall, they can boost the edge by 0.5% for the casino or the player.

Is Wheel Rigging Effective?

While there are simply too many methods for roulette machine tricks to describe in any real detail here, and since most of them are also pretty self-explanatory anyway, there are some real-life examples we can outline for you instead!

One of the most famous examples harkens back to Joseph Jagger and his amazing winning streak in 1873. No actual tampering was performed on the Monte Carlo wheel that Jagger chose, though. In fact, this story provides us with a great example of how wheels can develop biases by themselves, rather than because of someone deliberately tampering with them. So, here’s what happened: Jagger asked some clerks to record the results of several wheels at a Monte Carlo venue. And he eventually concluded that one wheel favored a specific group of numbers; and then he started to bet on those numbers. He exploited this bias, and then he ended up winning more than $3 million in today’s money! Unfortunately, the casino didn’t have any recourse under the law to punish Jagger for this sneaky stunt; however,  the staff did at least shift the positions of their wheels, in order to confuse Jagger.

Can Players Rig Wheels?

Nowadays, it’s very difficult to even attempt wheel rigging at popular venues. On top of their tight security, most casinos also use automated software to monitor the bias of all their wheels. Of course, they won’t be able to change this bias, given the regulations that exist to stop sharp practice; but then again, this also means the players won’t be able to get away with rigging them either!

The most popular example here goes back to the 1800s, when woodworker Pierre Dugal used to hide in casinos in France until they finally closed for the night. He would then use his skills and tools to rig wheels with the previously mentioned methods. In the morning, he’d return to the casino and wager on the wheels he rigged. While he managed to get rich by doing this, Pierre was unfortunately reported by his wife, after she found out that he was unfaithful to her.

As mentioned, it’s highly unlikely that such methods would work today! Of course, the same may be said for legitimate commercial casinos. However, it’s important to watch out for older wheels in illegal venues.

  1. Roulette Computers

One of the most recent techniques for cheating a mechanical wheel is probably the most unusual. It’s a real “James Bond” method that makes use of certain special devices named “roulette computers.”

Roulette Computers

Most roulette computers look like actual spy gear from the 007 movies; and funnily enough, they were first created in the 1970s, during the Cold War! The group that made the first device, naming them “Eudaemons,” used some special mathematical formulas to create a roulette computer that was capable of being fitted inside a shoe. The device would observe the wheel motion and then send out vibrations. These would then indicate which number or section the wager should be placed on. They made a profit of around 44% for every bet they placed, and each of the inventors left the casino $10,000 richer.

The event was quite important since it gave birth to a gigantic market of roulette computers. Some current devices are made by developers such as My Rulet or Predictroulette, and most use the kind of advanced tech that analyses wheels and predicts results.

Are They Effective?

Some systems may come with steep prices of up to $1,000 and over. On the higher end, a full set for a group of players can cost up to $80,000; of course, this is incredibly expensive. Overall, most gadgets are intended to analyse the ball’s deceleration and movement. Some will require the user to set up a reference point (a diamond on the wheel) and then click a button every time when the ball passes that point. That way, the device can predict future outcomes.

The systems are obviously meant to be carefully hidden by the user; because of course, casinos don’t allow you to use them. In addition, the general consensus on roulette computers is that they may not always work as well as they are advertised. Even though they can produce consistent results during testing, they are not capable of adapting their predictive algorithms to the variables of the wide array of individual roulette wheels to be  found in the casino world.

Nevertheless, in 2004, some players won around 1.3 million GBP just by using a computer with a laser and a mobile app. Interestingly enough, it turns out that even though they were arrested, they were still allowed to keep the winnings, as ordered by the judge. The court stated that the group did not break any law by using the device at London’s Ritz Casino. However, they did not leave unscathed, as they were given a lifetime ban from most of the world’s casinos.

Are All Those Methods Illegal?

While some of our examples have outlined cases where the players did actually manage to keep their money, even after cheating, all of the methods mentioned above will most likely get you into serious trouble. Firstly, the casinos know about them already; so they’re obviously going to kick out any players who dare to use them!

Plus, as already stated, there are even some methods, such as magnetic detectors, that casinos can use to instantly recognise some of the cheating methods gamblers are tempted to use.

Gambling Laws

It’s important to mention that here gambling laws are a pretty complex topic, and that the rules do vary a lot, depending on the country.

For example, in the U.S., state law and federal law are both able to define the rules of gambling. For instance, in Nevada, roulette computers are banned. But in other states, such devices may not be; due to the fact that they do not manipulate the outcome, but rather, are used to help predict the results.

Advantage Play or Cheating?

Even if the law permits some of the previously mentioned methods, the casino establishments can simply kick out any winner they deem to be guilty of either cheating or advantage play. A good example is blackjack card counting. This is one kind of advantage play, and while it’s not strictly cheating, casinos are very strict against it.

The only venues that cannot create their own rules against advantage players or cheaters are government-run casinos. In the case of private commercial casinos, it’s most likely that they will not tolerate any of the previously stated techniques. Plus, when the cheaters get caught, the casino staff are most likely going share their names with other venues too. That way, players could end up getting banned from whole countries, or even the entire world; as outlined in some of the previous examples we’ve discussed above!

Visual Ballistics: the Only Legal Way?

In Australia, roulette computers are illegal, and utilising the other methods mentioned here will also most likely not end very well for you! However, one technique that could be legal Down Under, and indeed in many countries in our world today, is known as “visual ballistics.”

This method doesn’t require any device or technique, but rather a very bright mind! So chances are, only geniuses are going to be able to perfect it! Essentially, it requires the player to observe the game closely and to calculate the ball speed, in order to predict the outcome. It has all to take place within a few moments, which is why it’s so difficult. It’s a highly advanced and complicated system to master.

How Casinos Stay Safe

Promises of big money rewards bring in a lot of customers, and surprisingly enough, it can easily turn out that quite a lot of them are planning to cheat in pretty much any game: be it blackjack, poker, or roulette. Today, casinos have professional security teams with experience. Those staff members are trained in a way that they can simply tell cheaters from tourists. The venues include hundreds of safety cameras and entire teams of security staff watching them around the clock. When they notice sketchy behaviour or suspicious individuals, they will immediately swing into action.

For example, modern blackjack games tend to use the Angel Eye system. This gives every card a special barcode, and the system then has the chance to track it. So, if there are any changes on the table, the system immediately alerts the casino. Other types of security measures include software such as NORA or TableEye21, which can instantly analyse all the customers who walk in to the casino, checking their identity against a detailed database of recognized cheaters. However, there is still one method that security aren’t able to solve so easily…

Player/Dealer Scams

The last method we’ll mention before moving on to online roulette games is fairly straightforward. It involves an agreement between a player and a croupier. Namely, the two can be in cahoots and arrange some form of scam.

The croupier can figure out the security methods utilised the casino and somehow allow the player to win more often than they should. The two would then split the prize or honour their agreement in some other way.

Cheating at Online Roulette

As far as online casino games are concerned, players cannot use advantage play or cheat. Because don’t forget: virtual roulette games are controlled by a random number generator, right? Remember that this software is responsible for ensuring all the results are 100% fair and random. What we’re looking at here is a highly complex algorithm that cannot be modified or changed at all. So when you think about it from that perspective, there’s clearly no way to learn how to cheat roulette online.

Additionally, virtual roulette games are incredibly similar to slots. The wheel is animated and generated by software, meaning that none of the previously mentioned tactics are going to help you win. Think about it this way: if the players can’t get close to a real wheel, then there’s not really much they can do now, is there? But even so, some tactics may work on games that stream the action live. So if the players can see the wheel, there’s still a chance some roulette computers may work!

Software Systems

The only thing you can do online is to try some software systems and bots, such as Roulette Assault. These are automated bots that can play games automatically and analyse your bet results, to give you a prediction about the next wager, or to generate more long-term wins. However, the effectiveness of the roulette hack apps is questionable.

Can Casinos Cheat on Roulette?

We’ve already mentioned that cheating is not common in commercial casinos, and that it nonetheless may be found in some illegal establishments. Additionally, if players believe casino games like roulette are unfair, they are most likely forgetting about the entertainment costs. Many neglect the fact that casinos need to make profits, and that’s why the edge is introduced. It’s a cost of playing the game and getting the opportunity to win money.

When it comes to online casinos, it’s worth stating that audits, 3rd party testing, and licensing bodies exist to keep players safe. However, some can exploit the weaknesses of jurisdictions that aren’t strict and use the lack of rules to exploit players. Common scams include postponing payouts or using unclear terms and conditions to trick winners out of their prizes. Nevertheless, a reputable and ethical gaming site will never scam their players. Any suspicious activity can be immediately reported online by the players; because after all, it could cost the casino their business!

Safe and Legit Methods of Winning in Roulette

Out of all the outlined methods, players might not be harmed if they learn visual ballistics, although that is incredibly difficult to do. Observing wheel biases and picking the right wheels is also a method that most likely won’t bring you any real trouble at all. Croupier signatures is another advantage play method that we haven’t mentioned yet. This one means you have to observe the dealer closely, so you can learn any patterns in the way they spin the ball. Then, the players can notice recurring numbers and bet on them. However, this technique is a bit unrealistic, and it requires a lot of experience.

In the end, the only legitimate things you can do is to make good choices and enjoy the game. Those are the best roulette strategies, but that’s easier said than done, since you do have to consider many factors. If you’re planning on becoming a successful roulette player, you’ll need to know how to pick the right wheel; one with a friendly edge! Moreover, you’ll have to know which bets will offer the greatest odds and payouts. Responsible and proper handling of the bankroll is also an essential skill, since it can define how you win or lose.

Roulette Cheats Summary

Now that you’ve read our guide, you’re definitely going to be able to play roulette more carefully! We’ve just shown you some cheating techniques, while also outlining what’s likely to actually happen in the casinos when you finally visit them, so that you can get a clear picture of what you need to avoid. So join me, Space Cat, and Zuzu, on this exciting adventure: playing some thrilling roulette games in our casino! Good luck, and have fun!

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